Martec Folding Prop Installation 115
Jul 23, 2017. Propeller Central - Marine Parts Express. Don't let this happen to you! Our own Sales Engineer Fred Sidelinger pointing to a huge chunk one customer had to cut away from his stainless steel prop just to remove it! Prop grease is a bargain- -you know what they say about an ounce of prevention? Getaprop has Powertech Stainless Props on Sale for Suzuki Outboards. Martec; Max Prop; Michigan; Volvo Saildrive. 9x6 Backwater Prop Longtail Mud Motor Go Devil Beavertail Mudbuddy Propeller. Martec 12 Folding Propeller. Bearing Race And Seal Driver Boats for sale$3. Essex, Maryland.
Underdawg did an excellent job of explaining the rules. Here's the simplified version: Don't insinuate Pedo. Warning and or timeout for a first offense.
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There may be times that we might warn someone or flick someone for something particularly egregious. There is no standard, we will know it when we see it. If you continually report things that do not fall into rules #1 or 2 above, you may very well get a timeout yourself for annoying the Mods with repeated whining. Use your best judgement. Warnings, timeouts, suspensions and flicks are arbitrary and capricious.
Deal with it. Pc Translator 2009 Cz Full Steel. Welcome to anarchy.
If you are a newbie, there are unwritten rules to adhere to. They will be explained to you soon enough. It does make a difference. How much depends on the boat and how sensitive you are to that sort of thing. I would prefer the folding prop, personally.
If it's a big, heavy displacement cruiser, you might need the fixed blades for reversing. The folding props don't back up well at all. As far as maintenance goes, it's pretty minor with a regular Martec type folding prop.
Most companies have rebuilding services too, if that proves necessary after several years. The exception may be a Max Prop, which has a adjustable pitch feature and may require more attention, but that's pure speculation on my part as I have no personal experience with them. It does make a difference. How much depends on the boat and how sensitive you are to that sort of thing. I would prefer the folding prop, personally. If it's a big, heavy displacement cruiser, you might need the fixed blades for reversing.