Visual Dbase 5.5 Download

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Visual Dbase 5.5 Download

DBASE PLUS Downloadable Documentation. DBASE PLUS 11 Documentation. How To Install dBASE PLUS 11 (53KB ZIP) dBASE PLUS 11 User's Guide (4.37MB ZIP) dBASE PLUS 11 Language Reference Manual (5.67MB ZIP). DBASE PLUS 10 Documentation. How To Install dBASE PLUS 10 (53KB ZIP) dBASE.

DbView is a lightweight tool that you can use to open and view DBF database files. Fantasy Sounds Unlimited Cranston Ri. With it it’s easy to view the contents of a DBF file and even edit entries if it is permitted.

The data is neatly organized in a table form and is easy to read. DbView displays a user-friendly interface and provides quick access to all its functions and features right from the main window. You can view its structure and obtain the array, as well as generate an SQL view.

It’s also possible to get a clipper-like array in relation to field names and length. You are able to add filters, apply a quick selection to all or specific sections of data and go to a certain record. It’s possible to copy and paste content, as well as it is to delete and recall it. DbView also allows you to export the database and enables you to choose the string format.

If you’re dealing with a database that is rich in content, DbView allows you to use a combination of keys on your keyboard and mark single or multiple entries that you want to migrate to another database. It’s a very simple and straightforward method that can certainly save you precious time. Besides the detailed database view, the application also offers you a ‘Fields’ one in which you are able to see the distribution of the file by name, type, length and current value. It’s from this tab that you are able to save the view, export the content to a new database, export it to XML, XLS or TXT format. In closing, if you’re looking for an easy to use, and easy to manage DBF viewer, then you can certainly try DbView.

Keith Chuvala's dBASE Page Keith's dBASE Links & Files YET another year, YET another Borland conference (Anaheim in May, 2002), another year without seeing most of my old dBASE friends, unfortunately. Alas, my thirst for a conference for dBASE folk continues unquenched. For all the latest and greatest dBASE stuff, check out the. The best dBASE support in the world is available through the newsgroups hosted there. DBASE 5.x and 7.x Stuff Some of these files are on-line here; all should be available from the. Visual dBASE 5.7 upgrade from version 5.5, 5.5a, or 5.6. Visual dBASE 5.6 upgrade from version 5.5 to 5.5a.

Visual dBASE 5.x deployer update. Visual dBASE 5.x copyright date kit Visual dBASE 5.x Component Builder Visual dBASE 5.x Intranet Tools BDE 2.52 update (a MUST for ALL VdB 5.x users!) Visual dBASE 5.7 Language Reference (a large.PDF file!) Visual dBASE 7.01 patch for VdB 7.0.

In HTML format (sort of.) A great resource, especially if you're just starting out with Visual dBASE! The dBASE dUFLP Library for Windows and DOS.

If you develop in ANY version of dBASE, you need one or more of these outstanding collections of free functions and procedures. For VdB 7.x for VdB 5.5 and 5.6 for dBASE/DOS 5.0 for dBASE IV 2.0 for dBASE IV 1.0-1.5 Here are three useful DBF-related utilities - identify/fix DBF corruption - identify/fix DBT corruption - fixes 'File already open' problems in older dBASE IV versions dBASE in Denver! The ICon '98 conference at the Colorado Convention Center was a rousing success for dBASE fans. We had lots of great technical sessions, met old friends and made new friends. You can find some of my writing in Que Publishing's Killer dBASE for Windows, New Riders' Inside dBASE for Windows, dBASE Advisor magazine, and the Cobb Group's Inside Visual dBASE newsletter. X Sample Programs Here's Ken Mayer's complete sample VdB 5.6 application.