Unable To Install Sccm 2012 Client On Windows 7
I'm trying to get a computer to report into SCCM, I can find it in devices but the client isn't reporting. I uninstalled the client rebooted and tried to reinstall, but get the error CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80070424. Any suggestions? The device is windows 7 64 bit. Microsoft Windows 7Review it: (156). I'm having some issues installing the SCCM client on Windows 7 machines. I manually installed (by manually running ccmsetup from the machine itself) the R2 client on my own Windows 7 machine last week. Then I read that SP2 is required so I upgraded the central site (Windows Server 2008 R2/SQL.
A resource for troubleshooting System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) and System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Task Sequence failures through analysis of errors reported in the smsts.log file. When an SCCM task sequence fails, errors are written to the smsts.log file. Sometimes the error is descriptive and it’s possible to quickly identify the cause of the failure. But often the error is logged as “Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows)”, which requires further investigation. In this post, I’ve assembled a few errors that I’ve personally encountered, along with my analysis of the cause. It’s my hope that this post can help other ConfigMgr administrators find resolutions to their problems. Error reported in smstslog: Invoking App Management SDK to evaluate app policesInstallApplication Process completed with exit code TSManager!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
Failed to run the action: VP Windows 10 Default File Association. Cedar Walton Discography Download. Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows) Failed for reason: There is a logical error or typo in the detection method. Note that in this error, the non-zero exit code line immediately follows the “ evaluate app policies” line.
It suggests that the error is not with the application itself but with the data about the application. The application may install successfully, but the detection rule cannot be evaluated successfully because it is illogical or invalid. For example, if a registry key/value is used as the rule, the rule might be misconfigured to look for a key at “HKLM SOFTWARE VedderPrice Windows 10 Default File Associations” in the HKLM hive, instead of “SOFTWARE VedderPrice Windows 10 Default File Associations” in the HKLM hive. (Note the extra HKLM at the beginning of the path.) Resolution: Edit the Detection Method for the application to correct an invalid rule. Error reported in smsts.log: Retrieving Application Policy Mapping: m_mapAppPolicies.find(sAppName)!= m_mapAppPolicies.end(), HRESULT=80004005 (e: nts_sccm_release sms client osdeployment installapplication dautils.cpp,478) App policy for 'Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) 2.1 SP1 Generator' not received.
Make sure the application is marked for dynamic app install Policy download failed, hr=0x80004005 daUtil.DownloadPolicies(), HRESULT=80004005 (e: nts_sccm_release sms client osdeployment installapplication dainstaller.cpp,296) Successfully cleared App model names from TS env. DaInstaller.Execute(), HRESULT=80004005 (e: nts_sccm_release sms client osdeployment installapplication main.cpp,260) Process completed with exit code!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! Failed to run the action: Install Secondary Applications. Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows) Failed for reason: The application in SCCM was not marked for dynamic app install, but is being installed as part of a dynamic variable list during the task sequence (the “Install applications according to dynamic variable list” option is selected in the Install Application step). Resolution: Edit the application’s properties and check the box labeled “Allow this application to be installed from the Installation Application task sequence action without being deployed”. Error reported in smsts.log: Installation job completed with exit code 0x00000000 Execution status received: 4 (Application failed to install ) Installation failed.