Download HIFI SIM XPAX FS9 - FSX Free
Dec 23, 2008. Just noticed it and have never used FS9 version but thought I'd give it a spin SimMarket is where it is Dave. Anyone tried X-PAX from HiFi Simulation? I have it and. Unfortunate thing of XPax though is that it runs outside of the sim, FsPX is fully integrated and offers so much more than XPax believe me. Cmi8738 Free Download Xp.. Api 1104 21St Edition Free Download.. Read More How To Create A Virus Using Notepad Harmful Pdf Reader.. Read More Rainbow 6 Hack Crack Addicts.. Read More Hifi Sim Xpax Fs9 Fsx Scenery..
Product Information Publisher: Description: Passenger utility. Download Size: 168 MB Format: Download Simulation Type: FS9 & FSX Reviewed by: AVSIM Staff Reviewer - January 12, 2007 The (undiscovered) Virtual Passenger’s World XPax is a new product from the guys at HiFi Sim (the same company that changed the FS World with their ActiveSky product) and is the first one of a series of low-cost dual-sim compatible “pocket add-ons” (something like a Lite series) that basically aims to provide a multimedia passenger experience. A couple of questions may come to mind, Passengers? Service Technician Workbench Keygen Mac here.
Like Virtual Passengers? Do I really need that? Well first of all yes, you may have the latest add-on of your favorite airliner, the latest sound set, and the latest textures but you’re missing the passengers, I’ll tell you something right now: The only difference between you and a cargo pilot, is that you are not doing red-eye flights from Frankfurt to El Cairo twice a week. Virtual Passengers are probably one of the biggest victims in the history of FS add-ons. Before the release of XPax, there was only one ( 1 ) virtual passenger add on (FSPassengers, we'll talk about it later). So this take us to the next question “Are they necessary?“ Well sure they are, I mean starting FS, parking your 747 at the gate, pushing back and taxiing all done in less than 10 minutes?
It's simply unrealistic. And in every single add-on that was ever created for our beloved hobby (Freeware, Payware or the so-called Donationware) there is always the pursuit of realism. We are always trying to achieve the dream that Microsoft embodied in their slogan “ As Real As It Gets “. Sure you can be parked at the gate for a couple of minutes in order to “simulate” the boarding of passengers. Sleep Easy Solution Ebooking. You can even get your sister talking on the microphone in order to simulate a Flight Attendant.
But in a community where nearly every single aviation related item, there’s a list of 10 add-ons, it just doesn't seem fair that the passengers are missing. So apart from the good things and the bad things XPax may have, I believe what is important here is the fact that someone (Like Daniel Polli did with FSPassengers) is trying to fill those gaps we have to deal with on every single flight we make. XPax What exactly does XPax do? • Provides a multimedia passenger carriage experience • It lets you control (manually or automatically) the connection of Jetways (if you have a scenery add on that lets you do that) as well as doors. • It provides Real-time monitoring of passengers health and approval rating • Provides a scoring and ranking system based on the flights performance • Provides a set of 12 audio recordings (containing female and male voices in various accents) • Provides a report about your flight • Provides a real time dynamic aircraft weight control based on the passenger load. After starting the program, which runs in a different window than FS, you’ll notice that the program is divided into different pages and each one lets you control a different aspect. The Main page gives you statistics about your past flights (Passengers Delivered, Passengers Injured, Passenger Satisfaction Index, and you current Ranking Points).