Cracked Apps Asking For Apple Id
Sponsored Links This usually happens after an update or may be after you've restored your iPhone. Even otherwise, let's check this out: your iPhone keeps asking for the Apple ID password.
EDIT: Something somebody said below got me thinking, so I turned on 'Purchase Date' for all of my audio books and songs in iTunes because I knew that if something has a listed purchase date, it means it also has an Apple ID associated with it. So I went through every song and audio book from top to. The app is certainly a relic, from a time when the casual computer user couldn’t crack open Photoshop or Skitch or Pixelmator or thousands of web apps. You previously jailbroke your iPhone and cracked apps are linked to a different Apple ID than yours, it will ask for a password. Or, of you have one or more songs in iTunes that you got by downloading via not-so-legal means, then it will ask for the password to that iTunes account. I had both happen to me. Reset All Settings on iPhone In all probability, you've tried this. If the iPhone still keeps asking for the Apple ID password, head over to the next one. Check Updates/Purchased Apps/App Store/iTunes Store The first thing you do is open the App Store and check your Purchased Apps history. The Updates section shows.
There's nothing downloading, there are no wrong passwords, there's no problem with your account. And yet you keep getting this pop-up which makes life unbearable with the iPhone. It's usually a case of failed downloads which aren't directly visible on the homescreen. Sometimes it's a problem with your account settings: either in iCloud or iMessage/FaceTime or in the App Store. Sponsored Links #2.
Reset Settings You can also try resetting the iPhone without erasing the data. Speed Passion Reventon Pro Software: Software Free Download. (Settings → General → Reset → Reset Settings.) In all probability, you've tried this. If the iPhone still keeps asking for the Apple ID password, head over to the next one. Check Updates/Purchased Apps/App Store/iTunes Store The first thing you do is open the App Store and check your Purchased Apps history. The Updates section shows you apps that are ready for updates but above it, there's the purchased apps section.
Check to make sure there's nothing hanging in a failed download or something. These may/may not show up on your homescreen so this is the only way to check if there's an app hanging midway in a download that's failing. Next up, open your account settings in the iTunes & App Store (Settings → iTunes & App Store) and try logging out of your Apple ID and then log in again. This might solve your problem or give you a hint about where the problem could be.
When you do this, if you find that your are unable to login to your Apple ID, this means there's something wrong with your Apple ID or the password. Try a password reset from your Mac/PC and then come back to your iPhone/iPad again and login with the reset password.
ICloud/iMessage/FaceTime Did you check your iCloud account? Is it configured correctly?